
What is Home? This is a purely speculative as the idea of “Home” is different to different people. Some people find that home is where you simply live, others say it is where you feel comfortable. I personally see Home and a place of residency, however, I find it is minor objects of sentiment that make a home feel homely. So I decided the base mine around the individuality of the person in the home. I picked 3 objects of mine that have a certain level of sentiment to me, they make me feel comfortable and each one has a story behind it. I then asked a friend for 3 objects that meant a lot to them and had a story which helped make university feel like home for them. I chose items that everybody has in their house/flat/apartment, but the items are unique to me. I took a Still Life approach to this project as I thought that would work well for the purposes intended.

My Items


This is my tea holster. My mother bought my this because she knows of my love of Star Wars and of the character, R2-D2 at depicted. It was only meant as a gag gift.  It originally contained shower gel and a flannel however I removed these items and began using it to hold Earl Grey teabags. The reason I use it for Earl Grey tea specifically because my mother was the person who got me into drinking Earl Grey and now I have only ever drank Earl Grey ever since. This item holds a certain connection to my mother as explained and so it makes me feel more comfortable so many miles away from home.

I chose to take this in it’s natural environment as I thought this would work well with the story.


This is an old, army tin opener. It is small, versatile, easy to clean and cheap. I hold onto this because my step-father gave it to me. The story behind this object is fairly simple, When my Mum and step-father were having work done to the house, they couldn’t find a tin opener when I was helping make dinner, so my step-father went into the garage and grabbed this, a souvenir from his army days. I used it and was so fascinated by it and how simple of a device it was. He saw this amazement so gave me one to go to university with. Despite having a mechanical tin opener, I still enjoy using this from time to time. This has a sentimental attachment to my step-father and I because it reminds me of his sense of humour.


This item, this bell, holds more memory for me than any other object. It was originally owned by my grandmother. It is with 2 Hindu Statues but the Bell holds more importance. My and my Grandparents were always very close even from a young age and when my grandfather passed away, I helped my father look after my grandmother and we grew even closer through this connection. My Grandmother was a devout Hindu, nothing gave her as much strength as her religion and people always knew her by her religion. When she passed away 2 and a half years ago, out of respect, I ring this bell everyday in her memory.


Other People’s Items


This is a very sweet story about a friend of mine. He is very determined to join the Army in memory of his father in who gave him this patch from his first tour in Iraq 20 years ago. This is his way of remembering home and his father.


This is a coaster of a cow from a friend of mine from Milton Keynes. She told me she likes this because it reminds her of home. She informed me that Milton Keynes is famous for having Concrete Cows everywhere, and that there is a funny story about how another town miles away stole the cows and sprayed painted them which lead to a “Town War” and mentioned by the locals. This humour around such a random event helps her remember home and family.


This is a Card sent to my flatmate  by her mother. When coming to university from quite a distance, my flatmate was very apprehensive and nervous. To make her feel more comfortable and at home at university, her mother wrote her this card letting her know how proud of her her family is and how much she means to them. This made my flatmate ease into university life much easier.

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